Solar Cup Challenge
High school teams build and prepare solar powered boats over a 7-month timeline and compete in a 3-day sprint and endurance competition.
Demo Garden Program
High water use landscapes were replaced with water-efficient gardens in visible public areas in the SGV to inspire and educate residents about conservation.
Water Fill Stations
The installation of water fill stations at pubic locations within Upper District’s service area to encourage drinking from the tap and eliminate one time use water bottles.
Recycled Water
Recycled water has been a key part of Upper District’s overall strategy of supplementing local water supplies. It is being used extensively to irrigate public landscaping.
Watershed Restoration
Cooperative partnership between Upper District and the U.S. Forest Service that incorporates volunteers into efforts to protect and maintain the local watershed.
Annual WaterFest
An annual community festival that features interactive educational booths, environmental displays, informative presentations, free water-saving materials, and more.