Upper District’s Where Solutions Flow Tour
Upper District’s tour is designed to educate leaders in the San Gabriel Valley about their water supply and the cooperative management of the Main San Gabriel Basin. The tour visits key locations and infrastructure related to our water supply system. The educational tour book below is a collective effort by numerous water-related agencies in the San Gabriel Valley. The goal is to provide interested stakeholders with an overview of the San Gabriel River Watershed’s unique water supply challenges and opportunities, and to encourage their involvement in the development of long-term water supply solutions in the region.
Metropolitan Water District’s Inspection Tours
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) organizes inspection tours of the Colorado River Aqueduct, the State Water Project and Diamond Valley Lake for its member agencies. Every year, Upper District hosts three inspection tours for local community leaders, elected officials and city staff for the purpose of educating them on the imported water sources delivered to the San Gabriel Valley used to replenish the Main San Gabriel Basin. They visit key sites along the water delivery process – pumping stations, reservoirs, dams, farms – while receiving historical context and educational background throughout the tour. The exposure to these intriguing water conveyance systems provides Upper District’s community leaders with a deeper appreciation for the vast regional and State water infrastructure, in turn developing future water ambassadors or #SGVwaternerds.