248 E. Foothill Blvd., Suite 200, Monrovia, CA, 91016

2026 Art Contest Submission

2026 Art contest theme

The theme of the 2026 student art calendar contest is “Being Water Wise Is …” This means wise and efficient water use inside and outside of the home, at school, in the community, in business and industry, in agriculture, and in recreation. The importance of clean and reliable water to public health has been made even more clear over the past few years. Additionally, climate change is stressing Southern California’s water supplies and we need to adapt. This theme of water conservation and stewardship should be reflected in the artwork.

Art contest SUbmission deadline:
APRIL 25, 2025 @ 5pm 

Student Artwork Rights / Parental Approval Form

Any submission becomes the property of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) and Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District (Upper District), and the submission may or may not be returned. Metropolitan and Upper District  have the right to use any selected poster for its “Being Water Wise Is…” calendar and promotional items, and for any other public relations use. This includes but is not limited to Metropolitan’s and Upper District’s  web site, social media, display of the original or copies of art at exhibit events and reproduction of copies on such items as t-shirts, stickers and postcards, etc.

Cualquier poster concursante se convierte en propiedad de Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) y de la agencia participante. El poster podría o no ser devuelto al dueño. Metropolitan y la agencia participante tienen el derecho de usar cualquier poster concursando en “Being Water Wise Is…” calendario o para uso en cualquier tipo de relaciones públicas. Estas actividades incluyen pero no se limitan a la exhibición del poster original o su copia por la red electrónica, en eventos, o la reproducción de copias en artículos como camisetas, calcomanías y tarjetas postales.

Submission Instructions 

  1. Complete the “Student Contact and Parent Form.” Button found above, Please ensure all information is spelled correctly and completed.
  2. Email your child’s/student’s art work and completed consent forms to upperdistrict@gmail.com. Include your child’s/ student’s Full Name, Grade and School so that we may easily associate the submission with the student.
  3. IMPORTANT: Scanned Artwork must be 300dpi (dots per inch) set to TIFF (Tag Image File Format). 
  4. Entry Deadline: April 25, 2025 at 5:00 PM

For questions, contact Katherine Vazquez, Government and Community Affairs Representative, at katherine@usgvmwd.org or (626) 443-2297