248 E. Foothill Blvd., Suite 200, Monrovia, CA, 91016


Rebates are available for indoor and outdoor water-saving equipment for homes and businesses, including turf removal! For details, visit the So Cal Water $mart Rebate Program website.

Residential & Commercial Water Efficiency Survey Program

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California offers free virtual indoor/outdoor residential water use surveys as well as in-person surveys for commercial large landscapes. These surveys provide customers with recommendations to improve landscape and indoor water use efficiency.

Innovative Conservation Program

Have a great new idea that may save lots of water? Metropolitan’s Innovation Conservation Program (ICP) provides funding for research that will evaluate the water savings potential and reliability of innovative water saving devices, technologies, and strategies.

Water Savings Incentive Program

The Water Savings Incentive Program (WSIP) provides financial incentives for customized water efficiency projects including:

  • Installation of commercial or industrial high-efficiency equipment;
  • Industrial process improvements;
  • Agricultural and landscape water efficiency improvements; and
  • Water management services.

The program is open to all commercial, industrial, institutional, agricultural, and large landscape customers with qualifying projects within Metropolitan’s 5,200 square mile service area.

On-site Retrofit Program

Metropolitan’s On-site Retrofit Program provides financial incentives directly to public or private property owners to convert their potable water irrigation or industrial water systems to recycled water service. Incentives of up to $195 per acre-foot for five years of estimated water use are available, with a cap at the actual retrofit costs.