248 E. Foothill Blvd., Suite 200, Monrovia, CA, 91016

WaterSmart Home Kit Customers

Thank you for participating in the WaterSmart Home Kit Program! We hope you are able to utilize the items within your WaterSmart Home Kit to become more water efficient within your home.

For your convenience, we have a complete list of instructional videos to help you install, use, and maintain the water efficiency devices found within your kit. Please feel free to use these links as a tool to make the most of your kit today as well as in the future.

*Customers who participated through the City of Baldwin Park Toilet & Kit Distribution program may not receive all of items listed below within their kit.

For questions or concerns, reach out to Patty Cortez at (626) 443-2297 or Patty@usgvmwd.org